What is Internet Leased Line (ILL)?
An internet leased line is a dedicated, fixed bandwidth, symmetric data connection that allows you to have unlimited WiFi internet at the speed you subscribe and pay for. View Rates
Businesses use ILL to:
- Connect to the internet
- Link PCs and servers in different corporate offices
- Enable staff to connect to their work PCs from home
You can even use ILL at home to:
- Connect your phones and laptop to internet
Note: To connect multiple devices with WiFi, you need to purchase a router
What are the related costs?
- Related cost with Internet leased line connectivity are one time setup cost, equipment cost and monthly recurring cost for the bandwidth.
- Equipment cost depends on the type of equipment used and feasibility study done by TIPL and monthly rental depends on the bandwidth subscription.
- The one time set up cost is Nu. 5,000 for normal ILL connection, while for FWA, the one time set up cost is Nu.5000.
- The one time set up cost shall be non-refundable.
TashiCell Internet Leased Line (ILL) Packages
We offer the following ILL packages:
a. Premium package:Under the premium plan, the customer will be provided with subscribed bandwidth with CIR guarantees till the upstream provider's port. Hence, no contention ratio will be applied on their subscribed bandwidth which will enable customer to have reliable and dependable connection at all times. This category of subscribers will be provided with SLA commitments in terms service extension for outages lasting over certain thresholds, 24 X 7 support, and priority access to resources during incidents when total internet service is impacted.
Benefits Includes:
1. Committed & Fixed Bandwidth all the time
2. 24 X 7 Customer support Contact
3. Ideal for large and medium enterprises
4. Service level Assurance
5. Contention ratio 1:1
b. Standard package:
In this category, the customer will be provided with subscribed bandwidth with CIR guarantees till the upstream provider's port. No contention ratio will be applied on subscribed bandwidth. Under standard service we provide only 8/5 support time, but for premium service we provide 24/7 support. For premium clients we try to provide after sales service around the clock. So if our clients face any problem during the off-hour they can always call our internet leased line help desk for the support. The segregation is made mainly focusing on after sales service to provide better support service. As there are many clients who work according to different time zone and they need a 24/7 support.
Benefits Includes:
1. Affordable price
2. 8 X 7 customer support Contact
3. Committed & Fixed Bandwidth all the time
4. Ideal for home and small business
5. Service level Assurance
6. Contention ratio 1:1
How to Apply for TashiCell ILL?
You can either visit our nearest Customer Care Center (please bring a guarantor) to apply.
For any queries regarding ILL services in Thimphu Kindly contact/ write to us at illinfo.thimphu@tashicell.com